‘Black dog’ weather.

23rd January 2018

Got thoroughly wet walking all of 30m from the car to Aberarder Farmhouse to don boots and gaiters this morning. Not a good omen for the day ahead, and so it turned out to be. Rain from Minute One onwards. There was a brief(ish) lull but the sky gods were reasserting the natural order of Scottish Highlands weather and offered no quarter. A week of alpine-like-weather-and-snow on my last work stint really isn’t a good mental preparation for a day like this. That ‘black dog’ now definitely straining at the leash. (If only the tail could wag this dog.)

Met some cheerful chaps on the path. Bonus! Surprisingly upbeat considering the weather. Were off for a daunder up to the lochan beneath the crags of the Post Face.

(Above) Not the best camera weather either. High spirits on a pretty rubbish sort of day. I salute your indomitable spirit, guys.


(Above) Monster cornices in Coire Chriochairein. Quite a few have collapsed but there’s still a goodly number hanging on in there. Overnight refreeze should arrest the effects of gravity, at least for the time being.


(Above) Bellevue Buttress. Recent evidence of cornice triggered wet slab avalanche activity……


(Above) …..with debris running out to within 75m of the lochan at the top end of Coire Ardair.


(Above) A glimpse of the Post Face snatched during one of the brief lulls in the weather.


(Above) Looking down on to another pair braving the elements on their return from the lochan. The path still has quite a lot of snow on it in places (quite deep here & there) but this will continue to diminish overnight. The thaw is very well established and many rivers/burns are now running bankfull.







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