Deep snow

19th January 2009

Add Image(Above)The weather cheered up after 2.00pm though was pretty gnarly before that.

(Above) Looking towards the Post Face this morning between snow showers

Access along the Coire Ardair path was very difficult today and hindered observations. Usually takes and hour or so from Aberarder farmhouse to the loch – took 2 hours to get two thirds of the way there so diverted to one of our other happy avalanche hunting grounds in Coire Chriochairein. Big snow on the hill at the moment and quite a lot more due tomorrow.

Getting to the start of any graded climb is a searing physical challenge at present (and isn’t going to get any better on Tuesday) and almost certainly not ‘worth the biscuit’ because of unstable snow.

Weather outlook
The Met Office reckon it’s going to be wintry and snowy in the Highlands right up to the end of January with only the odd milder period. The West looks like getting the lion’s share of the snow as well.

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