Coire Ardair sit rep

6th January 2020

(Above) L to R centre: Part of Belleview and Pinnacle Buttress divided by Raeburn’s Gully. Developed into a wet and squally day – very gusty indeed near the crags. Note the white caps on the lochan. Mild again, though a little cooler later. We were forecast a little snow over summits but didn’t see any; I guess it may have come through much later in the afternoon.


(Above) The Inner Coire of Coire Ardair and it’s high bealach, The Window. Bereft of snow.


(Above) The Pinnacle on Pinnacle Buttress, Easy Gully and the Post Face of Coire Ardair. A larger patch of old snow on the broad ramp near the top of Easy Gully.

Some overnight summit snow in the met forecast but only briefly before turning to heavy rain. Nearly 1″ of rain forecast for us over a 12hr period from morning onwards; very strong winds, too.




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  • Winky O’Neale
    6th January 2020 6:44 pm

    Has the Apprentice been out in your recent foul conditions? Mind you, I am sure the Apprentice wouldn’t care what it was like as long as he (she) was out! Hope the season improves.

    • meagaidhadmin
      8th January 2020 8:31 am

      Oh yes,

      The ‘Apprentice’ does foul very well!!

      But I’ll let him know to keep ‘his’ hair coiffured if there might be a fan out there…


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