Hill Fog for Starters

9th December 2021

(Above) Coire Ardair approach. The Birch wood path with a light cover of wet snow today from around 400m. 

(Above) A hill fog above 750m obscured for most of the day ‘The Window’ just about visible above Coire Ardair Inner Coire for brief spell after midday.

(Above) Coire Ardair’s Post Face. Conditions sparse with only a light general cover. More snow in the forecast with fresh winds so new drifting with some windslab build up likely in these N through to E gully tops of the Post Face.

Comments on this post

  • Stan Wygladala
    9th December 2021 11:25 pm

    And so it begins for yet another season.
    Good (ish) start but warm interlude to follow.
    Look forward to future reports which include you unable to get past the railway sleepers.
    Am considering giving full avalanche avoidance and mitigation advice that you can publish in a pamphlet. Any comment?

    • meagaidhadmin
      13th December 2021 6:34 pm

      Hello again Stan,

      I’m afraid we’re going to have to bring you up to date and spoil your fun somewhat.

      We’ve been meaning to break it to you for sometime now – as our suspicion was, that your memory of the Coire Ardair walk-in still involved the divvy dancing routine of an accomplished ballet performer, over the dreaded ice covered railway sleepers.

      ‘Alas’ these were removed some years ago and our daily trudge is now without such joyous obstacles!!

      I know …. we’ve all become too soft over the years!!

      Hope your enjoy the winter.

      Seasons greetings to you and yours Stan, from all of us here at SAIS, Creag Meagaidh 🙂

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