Western End

26th December 2021

Today’s Boxing Day outing was to the Western end of the Creag Meagaidh range, to Beinn a Chaorainn. Many slopes have been scoured in the recent very strong winds. Small localised accumulations of marginally bonded windslab can nonetheless still be found;  any pockets are fairly easily avoidable.

(Above) Looking across to a dusting of cover on Beinn a Chaorainn’s, East Ridge  (Centre) and adjacent bowls; from todays pit site in Coire nam Laogh,SW slopes of Creag Meagaidh.

(Above) Small localised pockets of marginally stable windslab on specific W through to N aspects, above 800m and around the coire rims. 

(Above)  The ‘Windslab hunter’…….

Comments on this post

  • Winkelle O’ Neale
    26th December 2021 7:57 pm

    I think the wind slab hunter is the Apprentice. Am I right? Either way an extremely nice sight.

    • meagaidhadmin
      27th December 2021 12:23 am

      That would be correct…..he’s progressed!! 🙂

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