Spring like

27th February 2022

Despite Meteorological spring not starting till the first of March in 2 days time it felt spring like on the hill today. There was some blue sky and sunshine although there was often cloud on the higher summits. A freezing level of around 900 metres and a brisk Southerly wind prevented overheating in the sun. Recent temperature fluctuations have been doing a good job of consolidating the snowpack and creating spring snow.

Photos below show snow cover and conditions.

Lochan Coire Choille-rais at 800 metres looked well frozen

Meall Coire Chiolle-rais

The East face of An Cearcallach

Recent cornice collapse on an East aspect at around 700 metres.

Comments on this post

  • Cailean
    27th February 2022 8:06 pm

    Is the lochan in Coire Adair frozen over or not?

    • meagaidhadmin
      28th February 2022 1:46 pm

      Hi Cailean
      The Lochan in Coire Ardair is still mostly frozen. I’ll put a picture on the blog for 28th February.

  • Cailean Macleod
    1st March 2022 10:53 am


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