Err…a nice day. Shock!

7th February 2024

(Above) Looking west towards the Carn Liath massif from near Laggan this afternoon. Some fresh snow at all levels this morning which melted in the intermittent sunshine over the course of the day. The shaded areas in the fields in the foreground still retaining their thin overnight cover.


(Above) Sron a Ghoire and part of the Post Face of Coire Ardair. Thin superficial snow cover again but with a little drifting at higher altitudes.


(Above) Steep East-facing aspect in Coire Chriochairein. Spotted this debris whilst en route to upper Coire Ardair so changed plans to investigate. From a couple of cornice-triggered events, probably last Sunday. The debris was old wet snow that had been thoroughly refrozen. Part of the old crownwall is just visible towards the top right of the photo.

Hard or crusty snow-ice prevails down to circa 800m on many N to SE aspects. However, there was some cold, soft weaker windslab tucked up below the coire rims on this aspect. It’s localised but sheared readily during field tests, though is confined to places above 1000m on some NE through to SE aspects.


(Above) Ice beginning to develop again.


(Above) The view down into Coire Ardair and Loch Laggan from near the coire rim. Contrasting snow lines left and right of the shot due to shade/sun exposure.

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