Mild and damp. Saturday looking worse!

15th December 2023

(Above) The lower reaches of Beinn a Chaorainn. The visibility did clear briefly a bit later which allowed a glimpse of the east-facing coires. A few smears of old snow were present but overall there was even less than I found in Coire Ardair yesterday.

A ‘heads up’ if in close proximity to the steep crags in Coire Ardiar. The forthcoming very wet and mild conditions may lead to falling ice from the Post Face and similar locations.


(Above) Just before the rains came.  Looking down the access track towards Loch Laggan.


(Above) Fly tippers have been active in our area again. This was in an A86 layby close to the track up Ben a Chaorainn. It’s appalling anywhere but somehow worse when it defaces beautiful parts of the Scottish Highlands. There is a special place in hell reserved for the people who do this sort of thing.

I’ve reported it to Highland Council via their website, here:

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