A wet one

28th December 2012

(Above) Goretex at work at Creag Meagaidh

Wet today. Very wet.

The SAIS are doing some blind trials for Gore. Each of us is issued with two outwardly identical jackets coded with different numbers to allow for identification when they are returned to Matt Davis at Gore for further lab (destructive?) testing. We’re not told whether they’re both made of the same material, or each of different stuff so it’s a proper blind trial. We’ve done this (as well as a goodly number of other people – Guides, National Centres etc) for them in previous years and they came up with some useful  results which helped in the development of new membranes.

The jacket I was wearing kept me dry, remarkably so (ditto the Gore overtrousers) even though it was lashing it down and I was toiling up some God-forsaken gully sweating like a good ‘un. Perhaps I had next year’s wonder fabric on today?

Making evaluations across the 2 jackets on different days in wildly different weather conditions is difficult: you need the wisdom of Solomon in order to differentiate sometimes!

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