Dry weather continues
11th February 2015
Another nice day although the mornings intermittent hill fog seemed to build up and settle in on the summits by midday. The snow from the roadside upwards was frozen hard making for good travel conditions although a bit slippery. The surface crust softened a bit later in the day.
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Joris Volmer
11th February 2015 6:33 pm
Not sure if it happened today but big surface avalanche on the south side of Meall an t-Snaim above the path in to Coire Ardair, rough grid ref 463 899 (estimate). Didn’t see it walking in but we had our heads down. Then on the way out fairly misty until we looked back. I have a few photos.
Good climbing on South pipe direct though!
12th February 2015 3:11 pm
Thanks, Joris.
Really important that people register avalanches or debris they’ve seen. Best place to do this is on the SAIS website. I went up to see the debris today and took a few photos – check the blog.
Grant Duff
11th February 2015 9:19 pm
“Looking good” so true, I’m sure the fog was very atmospheric in the corrie.