Mist & murk cleared.

30th March 2017

(Above) A distant view of the ‘back bowls’ at Aonach Mor from Meall Coire Choile Rais first thing. The mist & murk (and rain) cleared later in the morning.


(Above) A peek at the eastern flank of An Cearcallach on the approach to Meall Coire Choile Rais. Residual cornice line visible at the top of the crags. The large snowy bay on the left was the site of a very large full depth avalanche a few years ago; much less build up this year though.


(Above) Lightening of the skies coincided with a lifting of the mood! Looking west with part of Loch Laggan ‘reservoir’ visible. Tomorrow’s (minging) weather will dampen this nascent mood no doubt…


(Above) Let there be light and there was light, and it was good. Sun broke through through the forest cover Loch Laggan-side en route back to the car.

Obligatory statement affirming that this blog is race, creed and religious conviction neutral: Biblical reference only to illustrate contrasting light conditions, not proselytizing. (Well, that’s ticked the box on the sportScotland diversity and equality audit.)

Comments on this post

  • AC
    30th March 2017 6:41 pm

    Amen to that!

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