The Apprentice

11th April 2018

(Above) A bit of a ‘claggy’ day at Creag Meagaidh -  cloud hanging around for much of the time above 800m

(Above) Pit time. Boundary Wall Gully, Coire a Chriochairein

(Above) The Apprentice, nearing the last chance saloon (as an avalanche worker) – still showing little inclination to dig for a living!

(Above) Bothered? I think not!  Pheasants as opposed to avalanches likely to remain more of a ‘specialty’ for the time being……

Apologies – but there was precious little else to write about from our excursion out and about today…..and the ‘Apprentice’ (handsome chap that he is) does seem to have his followers 🙂

Comments on this post

  • Stan Wygladala
    11th April 2018 10:50 pm

    So pleased to see the Apprentice in such fine form.
    I look forward to more appearances next season.
    I once owned, ( or did he own me?) a border collie with the same “odd eyes”. It’s 60 years since he went to the dog heaven of squeaky balls, pig snouts, and slow hares. The hares were the bane of his life and I could never persuade him to chase them downhill when at least he would have stood a chance of a delicious murder. I miss him still.
    And……in the meantime may all stay well away from the Post Face and approaches to the Window until those cornices let go.
    And…..the Atlantic Conveyor, North Atlantic drift, Gulf Steam, (call it what you like) is rapidly slowing down due to additional cold fresh water into the Atlantic from the melting of the Greenland glaciers. This means a return to the Litlle Ice Age (Google it). My gran lived through the tail end of it and told me many stories of depredation and struggle. Just saying……….

    • meagaidhadmin
      12th April 2018 4:01 pm

      Hey, Stan, thanks for your comment.

      “Atlantic conveyor slowing down + Little Ice Age”…just when we though it was getting warmer!

      The Apprentice is indeed in fine form.

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