Dry, warm, sunny weather

31st March 2021


….today in England.




Back to the snow:-

(Above) Full-on melt again today in mild and wet overhead conditions. Lifa Gully in Coire Chriochairein. A broad, easy angled east-facing gully often overhung by a large cornice but not today.


(Above) Fair amount of old cornice detritus on most of our north to east-facing crag aprons and gullies. Quite a few, for want of a better expression, ‘turf balls’ have left distinctive marks whilst in transit down the snow in Lifa Gully and elsewhere.


(Above) A momentary clearing exposes black crags and what remains of the cornice line in this compact coire. The forecasted snowfall was a ‘no show’ today. Became a little cooler later (and mercifully drier as well. Bonus!) but no new cold white fluffy stuff anywhere to be seen on our patch at the time of reporting.


(Above) A misty glimpse of the lower end of Coire Ardair and Loch Laggan. 900m cloudbase all day. Forecast for Thursday looking much brighter though!

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