Default conditions return

12th March 2009

(Above). The track towards Sron a Ghoire on Thursday in between showers. Awash.

The weather Gods conspired to give pretty much the whole array of Creag Meagaidh weather in a day today. Soaking wet within 3 minutes of Aberarder (beneath Goretex: take note Messrs Gore & co), ‘drunken’ staggering in gusty 60mph winds and deep wet snow, face flayed raw by graupel above 750m, Goretex (that word again!) resilient as cardboard above 900m. Reverse on the way back! Face glowing like a brake light and the back of the hood taking the hammering. To be fair, the gear we have is good, it’s just that ‘Meggie-proof gear is a difficult and almost unachieveable spec.

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