Pop in, Pop out, Pop in, ……..

16th January 2013

Coire Ardair Track – passable through the Birch trees
Tha Main Drag – higher into Coire Ardair
The Post Face – any new ice slow to develop
The Inner Coire Ardair
Some cornice development above ‘old favourites’ in the Inner Coire
In ‘IT’ hell just now down at the ‘farm’ – todays report brought to you courtesy of carrier pigeon!
Skis the favoured means of access at present in and out of coire – but not for the faint hearted, or for that matter favoured skis.
 The track thru the Birch trees along the main drag is passable – depending on how fussy (or not) you are with your boards.
 If on ski mountaineering kit be prepared for the odd ‘Pop in / Pop out’ (bit like the internet) if  (as was the case) on Tele kit be prepared to replace the ‘Pop out’ technology with personal injury as you cruise (smug like) past the foot soliders en route.
So, provided you are happy to trash a bit of kit (or sustain minor damage – bust left pinki!) as your cruising goes from smug to head plant to zero courtesy of the odd rock – then the track to ‘Megge’ is just about passable on ski – unlike the internet, which is a total………..
Plans to go to Les Miserables quickly binned –  ‘The Glums’ foregone for the more seasonal hot tub and bottle of Shiraz – cheers!

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