Drumochter. Where the grass is greener.

12th April 2024

In our bid to have an end of season look at the snow cover across the whole of our patch – and having heard of SAIS N.Cairngorm’s snowfall some days ago – we thought we might find a bit more of the white stuff further east at Drumochter, an outlier but putative part of the SAIS Creag Meagaidh area. Sadly, as the saying goes, the grass wasn’t any greener over there, though the grass was literally…err…greener.


(Above) What’s visible east of the A9. Not good. There are just a few more of these patches on the hills either side of the A9 corridor as it passes over Drumochter.


(Above) Looking SSW from SH 902m in the general direction of A’ Bhuidheanach. Sparse!


(Above) Interesting erractic-type feature (I think?) resting on a low-lying vegetated plinth on the rolling plateau area. If it is an erratic, looks like local bedrock so probably not shifted too far by past glacial action.


(Above)  A’Mharconaich with a snowy wreath around its summit area, with Coire Fhar to the right. The A9 and Balsporran Cottages bottom of shot.


(Above) Two forecasters working in the area so greater photo opportunities. The view WNW from the top of Coire Fhar. Loch Ericht and the Benalder Lodge loch-side helipad and hangar nearest with Loch Pattack and the hills of the Ardverikie Forest beyond it. Part of a distant Coire Ardair is illuminated by sunshine top right of shot.

Some snow in the forecast for Saturday but coming through quite late in our forecast period. Expecting some moist windslab to develop above 1000m but not much. Will feel quite a lot more wintry in the afternoon so factor that into gear/clothing choice if venturing out up high tomorrow.

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