
20th January 2013

(Above) The loch and the main crags in Coire Ardair. Very quiet today.

 (Above) Bellevue Buttress (R) with the north flank of Sron a Ghoire (L) nearer the camera. These places face NNW and the issues we are having with weakly supported hard and soft slab tend to be localised and confined to the higher altitudes. The wreath of snow on Sron a Ghoire – left of centre – is a good example. Came across a similar problem north of the Carn Liath plateau where there are localised areas of hard slab underlain by facets. Wasn’t prudent to go further so we backed off.

(Above) Carn Liath plateau looking towards the Post Face et al. Really fast travel on foot on most plateau areas today. All rocks, heather & mosses frozen, rimed up, and largely snow-free.

The view of our hills from the Meggie car park (and from many other places) belies the problems we have with our weak but sparse-looking snowpack.

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