Avalanche debris – still counting!

26th February 2014

(Above) Coire a Bhein.
This seldom visited North facing coire is  pretty much at the extreme eastern edge of our forecast area and tops out at around 870m – which was around the elevation we had lots of recent full depth avalanche activity over the last weekend.
Old crown walls are now all but obliterated with newer drifted deposits however from the size of the debris would not have been a nice place to have been on Sunday! Most of the coire headwall clearly avalanched with sizeable blocks from cornice calving helping to bring down large wet slab events to coire floor. 
(Above) Old cornices still in existence around coire rims
(Above) Ears and snow firming up nicely in the cooler conditions – however at highest elevations new drifted accumulations again developing. Old cornices remain large!
NB.  Coire a Bhein although lower in elevation  a good analogue in aspect for Coire Ardair inner coire.

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