Flat light & balling up

17th February 2014

(Above) View toward the E end of Loch Laggan from high on Sron a Ghoire today.
Excellent cover of snow for extended ski tours in our area. You’ll need to carry your skis to 600m but are assured of continuous, more or less unbroken, deep snow cover. 
Flat light today morphed into poor visibility above 900m but the winds were mercifully light. 
Light snowfall gave a cover of fresh snow above 500m but it was a tad moist at lower altitudes, my balled up skins testifying to that. Once wet, skins just don’t seem to let go of soft colder snow at higher altitudes. (No doubt there’s a wonder product out there I can spray/rub on that will prevent this happening.) 
Actually, the skiing was pretty good as long as you kept away from the much deeper, gnarly stuff that blew in yesterday.

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