Overnight or early morning avalanches.

10th February 2014

(Above) Merciful break in the weather (albeit short-lived) this morning afforded some visibility on the way to work. Photo of the Carn Liath massif showing, right to left: Coire a Bhein (in shadow), Coire Dubh and Coire nan Gall. Carn Liath summit is top far left. Quite a lot of evidence of very recent avalanche activity in some of these coires today.

(Above) Coire Dubh. Deep slab avalanche on relatively low angled ground nearest the camera. Evidence of recent cornice triggered avalanche activity elsewhere here, too.

(Above) Looking up towards Sron a Ghoire from Aberarder Farmhouse. Very little if any snow below 600m but very different above 650m. Deceptively benign look to the hills in this shot?

(Above) Subsidiary summit of Sron a Ghoire at 800m. Very steep ground with evidence of widespread sluffing of dry snow. There’s been a lot of snow transport in our area in the past 36 hrs and this continued when the weather closed in later.

(Above) Balloon Gully, just off the Carn Liath plateau. Plenty of rollerball activity and evidence of surface instability here today.

(Above) Small but deep dry slab avalanche with partially drifted in crownwall on the SE ridge of Coire a Chriochairein at 700m. Today’s snow pit was not far from this location. Considered carrying out a fracture-line profile but decided it wasn’t prudent.

A fair amount of avalanche activity today. Access is limited but probably a lot more debris higher up in Coire Ardair and in the Inner Coire as well?

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