Great General Cover
18th January 2015
Great general cover at Meggie, touring skis or snow shoes really the only viable means of travel in the current conditions. Quite a few tourers out on the park today – undeterred by yesterday’s blog!
They certainly picked the optimum line off the hill and looked to have had a great run down from the Bealach on Sron a Ghoire to end their tour – very good effort!

….a fine effort in getting high –  the reward what looked like a great run down to end the tour. Good call!

Deep cover on the main drag to Coire Ardair. Good for ski travel – not so good if you’re trying to go climbing!
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Grant Duff
18th January 2015 8:45 pm
Given the predicted temperatures the snow looks like staying for a good while.
18th January 2015 10:04 pm
‘If nothing changes then noting is apt to change’ particularly relevant words of wisdom in our avalanche forecasting world.
That said with ground temp a constant 0 it doesn’t take much for a small rise in ambient air temp to have a dramatic (and adverse) effect on playable snow – especially below 500m.
For now – all is good, enjoy!
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