Re-Feeeze then snow

10th January 2015

A thaw overnight followed by a re-freeze to all levels  has brought stability to most slopes. Some new instabilities arriving with pockets of slab becoming more widespread and further snow showers on horizon.

Poor visibility for much of the day. Between the showers plumes of new snow seen dissipating off ridgelines

Poor visibility. Between the showers plumes of new snow dissipating off ridgelines

Pockets of new slab developing above an easily definable Melt freeze layer seen in todays pit.

Pockets of new slab developing above an easily definable Melt freeze layer seen in todays pit.

Lots of graupel in amongst new snow

Lots of graupel in amongst new snow fact lots of graupel everywhere!

……in fact lots of graupel everywhere!


Comments on this post

  • Grant Duff
    11th January 2015 9:17 am

    Its been really wild of late and plenty of trees down. Great to see another winter with plenty of snow.

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