Cloudy but Dry

4th April 2015

It was cloudy but generally dry on Creag Meagaidh today. Large cornices are lurking up there in the cloud, some of which are likely to collapse in the mild conditions expected over the next few days. The potential for full depth avalanches also exists.

Poor visibility at higher levels.

Poor visibility at higher levels.

Potential for full depth avalanches remains in some locations.

Potential for full depth avalanches exists in some locations such as Sron a Ghoire.



Comments on this post

  • Nicola
    4th April 2015 5:00 pm

    Attempted to ascend The Window today. Less than half way up was white out. Heard lots of movement from either side of us from the rock cliffs, many loud cracks heard but nothing seen. Discretion was the better part of valour and walked quietly but quickly back to the loch.
    Not a single other soul seen on the mountain. Were you wearing a white suit we were looking out for you but failed to see you 🙁

    • meagaidhadmin
      5th April 2015 5:31 pm

      Hi Nicola,

      Many thanks for your comment and info. Blair was out forecasting yesterday and made his way up onto the Carn Liath plateau directly from the Coire Ardair path (ascending from the middle of the mature, sparse birch woodland) so may well have been some way in front or behind you depending on timings. Blair commented, like yourself, that he found our patch to be very quiet indeed on Saturday.

      I think those noises you heard on your approach to The Window (in the Inner Coire) were from rockfall, just possibly from falling ice as well. The south-facing crags in the Inner Coire are really quite loose and it can sometimes feel as though you’re being systematically strafed by rocks during periods of heavy thaw! Rockfall from the north-facing side is not uncommon, too.

      I’ll keep an eye out for that person in a white suit!

  • Grant Duff
    4th April 2015 6:11 pm

    Some rapid snow melt at lower areas but still so much snow higher up.

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