Coire Ardair

12th April 2016

Post Face1(Above) Pinnacle Buttress and the Post Face of Coire Ardair today. The principal low grade gully lines are wide and complete with a good depth of coarse-grained old snow, some of which is old avalanche debris.

Random fact #38: the temperature of the water in the lochan was measured at exactly 2 degrees C. at lunchtime today.

Postgullies(Above) Detail of Centre Post and South Post. Full depth avalanches over the past two weeks or so have entrained quite a lot of rocks, soil and vegetation.

Easy(Above) Easy Gully. There’s a ‘Scottish bergschrund’ about a third of the way up which has been filled with cornice and avalanche debris (all quite old).

Raeburns(Above) Raeburn’s Gully. As is often the case, it’s much steeper than it appears in the photo!

Bellevcorns(Above) Collapsing cornices still a consideration on our patch. This line of cornices is over Bellevue Buttress.

Scornices(Above) Had someone been around to witness it, would have been quite a trouser-filling moment when that lot came rumbling down a few days ago! Still quite large sections of cornice remain in place above this broad south-facing gully adjacent to the lochan in the upper part of Coire Ardair.    gm


Comments on this post

  • Grant Duff
    12th April 2016 6:49 pm

    Theres still a fair bit snow left and plenty of trouser-filling moments to come!

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