16th January 2018

Not the best day for photography. Showers came through thick and fast with just the occasional brighter interlude.

(Above) The A86 at Kinloch Laggan this morning. One or two cars off the road first thing. The challenge offered by the frequent passage of oncoming forestry wagons was made much more difficult by snow and ice on the road. Felt more like running with the bulls at Pamplona. Have the truckers no mercy?


(Above) There’s snow on Loch Laggan beach again…

You know you’re in for a difficult day when you struggle to get your vehicle up the banked-out track up to Aberarder Farmhouse. Just made it. Similar issues on the hill.

As you might have guessed, there’s a pretty good cover of snow. Some scouring too on windward slopes after a steady Westerly airflow. Was pretty difficult breaking trail with skis sinking right down to the heather……then submarining into it (Oh, joy!), adding to the arduous nature of venturing further and higher.

Plenty of new snow instability. Have a look at the wee video below shot at 610m. Not the best sequence but the surface layers released very easily just by gently inserting the shovel – without any rotational prying force either.


(Above) Late afternoon shot across Loch Laggan looking towards Creag Pitridh (the pointy peak) and looking into Mullach Coire an Lubhair, with Geal Charn immediately left of CP.

Comments on this post

  • Stan Wygladala
    16th January 2018 7:09 pm

    If you venture out again over the next couple of days put some goose fat on your nose.
    This has two effects:
    Prevents frost nip
    Confuses the hell out of The Apprentice
    Note ; dogs have only four states of mind/emotion. Happy, sad, angry, and confused.
    P.S. No, I have not been at the single malt.

    • meagaidhadmin
      16th January 2018 7:18 pm

      …single malt. But no mention of the bottle of Shiraz, Stan!

      I’ll pass your advice on to ‘The Man Who Must Not Be Named’ as he is on point tomorrow.

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