10th January 2019

(Above) A day of low cloud, mist and mizzle. Meall Coire Choille-rais poking out above the Creag Mhor ridgeline of Puist Coire Ardair

(Above) If you’re a builder and you’re missing a load of scaffold leveling jacks – they’re at the side of the A86, alongside Loch Laggan, opposite Ardverikie (on a straight bit of road!)
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Grant Duff
14th January 2019 3:22 pm
I went looking for the rubbish yesterday to clean it up but seems like some good person did it before me. Well done that person.
14th January 2019 5:41 pm
Good effort Grant!
Yes, next time I passed myself I’d noticed all had gone.
I doubt it will have been due to a conscientious fly-tipper all the same!!
Thanks for that.