
21st January 2020

(Above) Looking up the Allt Coire Ardair through the mizzle to the Post Face of Coire Ardair. Flat light sort of day and surprisingly damp, too. Full on thaw at all elevations with a light but persistent mizzle. Effective snow line is around 600m with ribbons of snow in favoured gullies and hollows at slightly lower altitudes.


(Above) Left to right: Raeburn’s Gully the Pinnacle, Easy Gully and part of the Post Face of Coire Ardair. All principal gully lines complete but with wet snow throughout. Some rockfall heard today in the vicinity of Pinnacle Buttress so worth bearing that particular objective danger in mind if venturing near the crags and gullies hereabouts. A little wet sluff debris present in Raeburn’s Gully, visible left of centre of the photo.


(Above) Easy Gully – detail. Some fairly recent wet snow avalanche debris, some emanating from Easy Gully itself and the rest from South Post and Centre Post – two of the Post Face’s major gully lines. The debris below Centre Post (bottom right quarter of the photo) is from a few separate events. All pretty minor avalanche activity which slid some time in the last 24hrs. Cornice debris noted below Belleview Buttress, and from ‘Cinderella’ in the Inner Coire although my view of it wasn’t perfect. Good stability on less steep ground in most places, although some glide cracks had opened up on the steep East face of Sron a Ghoire which is visible from the NNR Creag Meagaidh car park.


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