Localised accumulations

21st December 2020


The Scottish Avalanche Information Service would recommend that those wishing to enjoy the winter mountains refer to Mountaineering Scotland and Scottish Government advice regarding Covid-19 and outdoor activities.

(Above) Beginning to look a little more wintry on the tops. Firmer underfoot now above 900 metres, with a few icy patches developing in plateau areas

(Above) Cover is largely cosmetic – a few snow showers again affecting the area around midday as I made my way down from the ‘plateau’ areas.

(Above) Centre photo Boundary wall – on  the Cairn Liath side of range, Coire Chriochairein

(Above) Some localised accumulations on a steep Easterly aspect providing the location for today’s pit (upper slopes of ‘Boundary Wall Gully’)

Comments on this post

  • Stan Wygladala
    21st December 2020 5:33 pm

    Photos not loading properly. Just small boxes.

    • meagaidhadmin
      21st December 2020 7:59 pm

      Not sure what to suggest Stan – they are all showing as loaded this end.

      Are you using an ‘Apple”?
      (the joys!!)

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