Beinn a Chaorainn: reprise.
19th March 2021
Covid -19
The Scottish Avalanche Information Service issues information to support permitted activity under current Scottish Government guidance.
Please be aware of current mandatory travel restrictions in Local Authority areas within Scotland and respect local communities by referring to Scottish Government guidance and safe route choices for exercise. For further guidance please refer to the following information for hillwalkers and climbers and snowsports on ski and board.
This blog is intended to provide hazard and mountain condition information to help plan safer mountain trips.

(Above) Sylvan scene provides the foreground for the East Ridge of Beinn a Chaorainn. Overcast and grey in Strathspey this morning but much brighter further west, as it was here at Beinn a Chaorainn. A touch of ground frost in the Glen Spean first thing but temperatures soon rose.
(Above) Looking east to the Creag Meagaidh with the wide V-shaped Coire nan Laogh prominent left of centre. A bit more high cloud over on Creag Meagaidh itself. Snow cover on the plateau area now reduced and very patchy at lower altitudes.
(Above) Cornices remain something of an issue in the sustained mild temperatures. These above the steep east-facing bowl of Beinn a Chaorainn still have plenty of potential for collapse. I measured +7.2 degrees C. at 960m around midday.
(Above) The view west from the Beinn a Chaorainn forestry track this afternoon. Left to right: Stob a Choire Mheadhoin (Stob Coire Easain also just visible), Stob Ban, Sgurr Innse then the peaks that comprise some of the Grey Corrie group on the far right. The reservoir part of Loch Laggan in the foreground.
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