A Return to Thaw Conditions

1st February 2022

Today I headed towards Beinn a Chaorainn to see what snow has survived the thaw. The superficial snow cover has gone, snow remains in the areas where slightly deeper accumulations have developed. These areas have consolidated quickly and are now begininng to refreeze as the freezing level lowers after some rain last night. It will be a brief refreeze as the freezing level is due to go back above the summits tomorrow morning. The unsettled spell will continue with colder weather on Thursday and Friday followed by the next milder spell on Saturday.

The first view of the East ridge of Beinn a Chaorainn as you approach through the trees. The ridge itself has been mostly stripped of snow, with some cover remaining in the corrie’s on either side.

Looking towards the East facing aspects of Beinn a Chaorainn where most snow remains. In many places the cover is very shallow with slightly deeper accumulations around the coire rims and in some gullies.

Looking the other way for comparison. This is looking into Coire an Laogh. The high ground in the photo is around 1000 metres. The area that does have snow is a South-East aspect. Snow has accumulated here due to drifting on the recent North-Westerly winds.

Looking into Coire a Chriochairein, Creag Meagidh for comparison with yesterdays photo.

Looking across Loch Laggan to Beinn Eibhinn, Aonach Beag and Geal Charn. This shows the very patchy nature of the snow pack just now. North-East to South-East facing coire rims again holding most snow.

Comments on this post

  • Stan Wygladala
    1st February 2022 11:14 pm

    The great winter of 1947 didn’t get going until end of January but this year “nada”.

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