Turn Back Corner

5th February 2022

Not the most pleasant of hill days with strong winds and rain at lower levels; turning recent snow accumulations below 700 meters to mush (generic Scottish technical term – notable by its absence in ‘The International Classification of Snow ‘ listings!)

(Above) Coire Ardair’s main path today – wet and soggy at ‘Turn Back Corner’, as you leave the shelter at the top of the immature Birch.

(Above) I was not alone!. A determined winter walking group on the way up (encountered on my way down). Not sure how far they progressed – turn back corner must have been a tempting option!

(Above). Unstable accumulations in highest  lee locations today ;such as coire rims, headwalls and in steep sheltered gully flanks., here seen on an East to South Easterly gully aspect.  Rain below 700m removed much of the badly needed overnight cover, the high winds further stripping open hillsides and ridges once again. 

Cooler conditions with further snow in the forecast so hopefully not all is lost

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