Cloudy and thawing

20th March 2023

After a cooler night the freezing level rose above all summits during the morning. A thick cloud layer stayed over Creag Meagaidh through the morning, before light rain affected the area during the afternoon.

(Above) Sron a’ Choire East slopes.

(Above) Coire a’ Chriochairein (what was visible).

(Above) Blood-spot lichen (Ophioparma ventosa). It’s scientific name used to be Haematomma ventosum, which is what I continue to remember it as.



Comments on this post

  • Keith Horner
    20th March 2023 8:23 pm

    Ha – now you regale us with detailed botanic terminology – good that you have such a depth of knowledge of lichenography to fall back on when the snow pack conditions require little commentary… We’ll certainly come out of this winter season much more educated from your range of insights on botany, geology, cultural and social history……the sign of a poor winter I suppose?

  • StanWygladala
    20th March 2023 8:44 pm

    Re. yesterday……‘Behold a pale horse, and the name of he that sat on it was Death.’
    Always frightens me.

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