Every Picture Tells a Story, Don’t It?

15th March 2023

(Above) As seen from Luiblea this morning. That’s…er…Beinn a Chaorainn behind the mantle of cloud. Was pretty much the story of the day above circa 950m.


(Above) A view across a couple of Beinn a Chaorainn’s ridges to the dark outline of the well-known East Ridge. A Glenmore Lodge group laid siege (hyperbole!) to the ridge later in the morning. The ascensionist visible on the ridge in the photo wasn’t one of them. An early bird catching its worm.


(Above) Early Bird: here you go, one for the album.


(Above) Monochrome scene looking down across the well-defined stripe of the Moy Wall, with An Cearcallach looming above it. Loch Laggan in the distance.


(Above) Lenticular clouds over Aonach Beag 1116m, south of Beinn a Chaorainn, presaging a change in the weather. A Met Office ‘Yellow warning’ for snow followed by rain has been issued across the bulk of the Scottish mainland – see below.



Expecting some instability as snow turns to rain overnight – see the published forecast for details – with better stability much later in the day.


(Above) Further east on the Creag Meagaidh patch: the craggy east and south-facing aspects of Coire nan Gall left and Coire Dubh right, briefly illuminated by watery sunshine this morning. The snow cover you see is thin and superficial apart from old snow-ice in gullies, and near coire rims above 900m.

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