A good weekend for ‘mending the nets’

16th December 2023

Storm force winds on the summits, heavy rain and the freezing level above the tops is not a recipe for a great day in the Scottish Hills.  Fishermen have days for ‘mending the nets’, and this is one of those weekends where any mountaineering on the high tops would be unpleasant at best. Good to stick to activities down in the Glen. That said, a wild cycle/walk at lower elevations blew away the cobwebs after the staff Christmas Party!

Currently there is insufficient snow cover to present any avalanche hazard in the Creag Meagaidh forecast area and avalanche reports will not be issued. The following photos give you a ‘flavour’ of conditions.  Storm force winds prevented any exploration up high.  It is expected that very little snow will be remaining after this prolonged spell of mild, wet & windy conditions which will continue through into Sunday.

Photo below.  Taken from Garva Bridge, looking West up the Spey towards Coire a Bheinn on the Eastern end of the Creag Meagaidh Range with some ice streaks just visible (not for long!).

Photo below: A dreich, wind swept Lochan na Earba with Ardverikie Wall silhouetted on the LHS of the loch. This landscape will change significantly in the next few years as the Earba Pump Storage Hydro Scheme develops.  For more info see  Mountaineering Scotland

Photo below:  Looking South toward the Munro Beinn a Chlachair.  In a brief clear spell, virtually no snow remained in the North facing coires of Beinn a Chlachair.

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