
17th December 2023

DROOKIT – Is a Scottish word meaning ‘drenched or ‘soaked’.  Yep, you are starting to get the picture at Creag Meagaidh today.

The Storm Force Westerly winds continued.  The wind, combined with heavy continuous rain and the freezing level way above the summits ensured that any remaining vestiges of snow/ice were struggling to cling on. Currently there is insufficient snow cover to present any avalanche hazard and avalanche reports will not be issued for this area.

The photo below taken on my commute to Aberarder Farm at Creag Meagaidh gives a ‘flavour’ of much of the day.

Surprisingly, visibility up high wasn’t too bad.  Photo below is a general shot looking West along the Laggan Road towards Carn Liath.

The lack of snow is evident.

Below is Lochan a Choire with the crags of Coire Ardair behind.  Wind here was gusting around 40mph and the temperature was a balmy plus 9 degrees! Sadly the ‘white streak’ down the Post Face was water rather than ice…

Zoom in though and there is definitely some ice clinging on Post Haste/Missed the Post at the top of Easy Gully.

And finally on a ‘dreich’ day like today, it’s always good to see the Creag Dubh locals.


Comments on this post

  • Hillwalker
    18th December 2023 10:26 am

    The Creag Dubh locals look lovely but when you get close to them they smell very strongly of goatee! Nice photo to share with us.

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