Still and Sunny Sunday.

7th January 2024

A lovely settled day in Creag Meagaidh today. It felt like it was just on the edge of the cloud which seemed to be affecting the hills to the East, it looked much clearer to the West. Where the skies had been clear there had been a frost in the glens. It was a very still day, both Loch Laggan and Loch Ardair were mirror like in their stillness. Looks like remaining cold and settled but not quite so calm tomorrow.

Ice forming on Loch Laggan this morning. Under clear skies there had been a frost, particularly in the West of the area. 

Lovely light for the walk up the Coire Ardair path this morning.

The reflection of the crags of Coire Ardair on the loch which was mirror still. Feels a bit odd this image…

If I put it in upside down it looks even stranger…

The reflection in portrait format feels a little less trippy….

The view up Easy Gully. Looks like a similar amount of ice to when I was here a couple of days ago. 

Not much snow up towards the window. 

The crags of the Inner Coire. 

Comments on this post

  • Keith
    7th January 2024 4:21 pm

    Photo 4 should be up for an award its brilliant and superb composition!

  • Matt Dalby
    7th January 2024 6:43 pm

    The portrait version of the reflection in the lochan would make a great, and fairly challenging, jigsaw.

  • Donnie
    12th January 2024 10:49 pm

    Fantastic photographs – especially the fourth one down

    Many thanks. Well done to you

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